Machine Cancel Society Auction 2017-2, closed May 18, 2017

Bids Must be Postmarked or E-mailed by Thursday, May 18 , 2017

Send Bids to: [no longer relevant]


Reminder: a 10% buyer fee will be added to each winning bid. This is a policy that has been in effect for many years.

You can find our complete auction terms and conditions on our web site, or request a copy from the auction manager.

To view the complete auction terms and conditions visit:

A new rule was approved by the MCS Board at the recent Annual Meeting. If an estimated value (EV) is given for a lot then no bid less than 1/3 of that EV will be accepted.







ad advertising mc multicolor R right

am airmail env envelope min minimum recd received

B bottom EV estimated value m s manuscript reg registered

b s backstamp(ed) flts faults o/s z oversize rev reverse

ca cachet(ed) gpc government postal card o/sk overstruck sm small

cc corner card hs handstamp(ed) o/w otherwise T top

cds circular date stamp ill illustrated pc postcard(picture or greeting) unad unaddressed

cr(s) crease(s) imp impression pm postmaster var variety

cnr corner L left pmk postmark yd yeardate

cv cover lt light pse postal stationary envelope w/ with

dd different die MB minimum bid pts points w/o without

The condition of the cancellation is indicated first, then the condition of the cover or card.

For example, F/VG means a fine cancel on a very good cover or card.

Condition of the cancel (consists of the postmark and the stamp invalidator)

VF = Very Fine; all letters and cancel virtually perfect.

F = Fine; letters and cancel well imprinted, considerably better than average.

VG = Very Good; letters and cancel well imprinted but perhaps some lightness or other defect.

G = Good; some defect, such as some letters or portion of cancel light or not imprinted, or

Right ends of lines or bars run off the edge of the card or cover.

P = Poor; merely an identifiable and complete example.

Condition of the cover or card

VF = Very Fine; attractive, no faults.

F = Fine; minor fault such as toning; not described.

VG = Very Good; several minor faults, but none judged to be major; usually described.

G = Good; one or two major faults; described

If you are hesitant to bid without further details, call with your questions or request photocopies.

Bidding increments are: $ 1.00 to $ 10.00 $ 0.50

$ 10.00 to $ 100.00 $ 1.00

$ 100.00 and above $ 5.00

American (non-flags)

1 Washington, DC Nov 7, 1891 D-2 ( ) gpc f/f

2 Boston, Mass Dec 3, 1889 type 89 (1) cvr w/1c grn Banknote vg+/f

3 Boston South End A, Mass Jun 14, 1893 E-6 ( ) 3.75x4.75 cvr w/#231 f-/f- dial lite

Barr Fyke

4 San Diego, Cal Jun 20, 1904 Da4-101a lt blue cvr w/#304 to London England f/vg+ MB-3

5 Chicago, Ill Dec 12, 1898 A2-102a gpc bank statement card vg+/f

6 Altoona, Pa Jan 20, 1900 C4-121a bkstmp cvr vg+/vg+


7 Washington, DC Aug 7, 1899 U-34 ( ) circular dial 4.25x5.25 cvr w/1d grn Bureau w/cc The National Capital University School vg+/vg+ tear at top not affecting cancel

8 Chicago, Ill Aug x, 1898 O-2 (block) adv cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc The Metric Granule and Tablet Co advertising on back f/vg+ according to Barry book the block is really an ink filled 4

9 Louisville, Ky Jun 29, 1898 H-2 (1) gpc f-/f postmark on top of pc design

10 Louisville, Ky Nov 1, 1900 K-5(1) die 2 cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Clark High Grade Electrical Supplies f/f

11 Portland, Maine Nov 1, 1899 H-5 (1) 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f-/f

12 Baltimore, Md Mar 13, 1898 H-2(2) cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg+

13 New York, NY Jan 11, 1897 F-2 (6) 3.5x5.75 pse 2c grn Washington w/cc vg+/vg+

14 Cleveland, O May 5, 1896 A-1 no die space pse 2c grn Washington f/f

15 Columbus, Ohio Feb 4, 1898 H-9(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Commercial National Bank vg+/f+

16 Wilkesbarre, Pa Jul 15, 1904 town name is one word L-6(1) gpc vg+/vg+

17 Milwaukee, Wis Aug 3, 1896 F-2 ( ) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Standard Paper Co vg+/f+

18 Milwaukee, Wis Aug 26, 1898 O-2 ( ) gpc vg+/f


19 Simsbury, Conn Nov 6, 1920 G-2W cvr w/2c red w/cc US Senate Comm on Banking and Currency Free w/signature of Geo. P. McLean in stamp area - probably unauthorized use since it is franked vg+/vg+

20 Jackson, Mich Jul 27, 1910 J-6P greeting pc w/1c grn f/f

21 Mount Pleasant, Mich Jun 7, 1918 K-8 lku cvr w/3c violet w/cc vg+/vg+

22 Newport News, Va Apr 11, 1915 K-8 ppc w/1c grn vg-/f+ date obscured by pc design


23 Townsend, Mass Oct 7?, 1913 F-131 greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg+


24 Alameda, Cal Aug 4, 1903 type D 3.5x5 cvr w/#301 vg+/f+

25 San Luis Obispo, Cal Feb 28, 1907 type D pse U395 f+/f+

26 Venice, Cal Mar 16, 1914 type E 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/f MB-3

27 New Haven, Conn Jul 25, 1904 Station A type DS pse w/cc The Munson Co Folding Boxes f-/f- MB-2.50

28 Boise, Idaho Dec 9, 1901 type C origin used as receipt advertising gpc f/f+ MB-4

29 Boise, Idaho Feb 6, 1903 type DR bkstmp on cover f+/f+ MB-4

30 Lewiston, Idaho Oct 26, 1908 type E 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#319 w/enclosure f-/f killer 1/3 off Rt

31 Batavia, Ill Nov 16, 1909 type E pse w/cc US Wind Engine & Pump Co vf/f MB-3.50

32 Hammond, Ind Dec 16, 1909 type E gpc f/f

33 Tipton, Ind Dec 30, 1914 type E new years pc w/1c grn vg+/f dial lite

34 Charles City, Iowa 2nd class 190[9] type D cvr w/1c grn bkstmp id’s date as Aug 27, 1909 w/cc Hart-Parr Gasoline & Kerosene Traction Engines Since type E was installed in 1908, my guess is that this type D die was kept in the post office and used for 2nd and 3rd class mail postmarking MB-3

35 Vinton, Iowa Sep 1, 1910 type E pse 1c Olive Franklin f-/f MB-2.50

36 Flint, Mich Aug 18, 1906 type D pse w/cc vg+/f killer 1/3 off Rt

37 Woodbridge, NJ Sep 8, 1905 type D comic pc w/#300 f/f MB-3

38 Brockport, NY Jun 2, 1902 type D #10 pse wc red Washington 1st year of use f+/f- MB-3

39 Cortland, NY Apr 19, 1906 type D 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#319 f+/f

40 Naples, NY Aug 22, 1910 type E normal size dial 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf-/vf- MB-3

41 North Tonawanda, NY Apr 26, 1902 type D early use pse w/cc The Florist’s Supply Co f+/f

42 Norwich, NY Jun 27, 1905 type D 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg+/f cancel 1/3 off Rt

43 Seneca Falls, NY May 21, 1903 type DR bkstmp on advertising gpc vg/f dial lite MB-2.50

44 Wellsville, NY Mar 22, 1903 type D 3.5x4 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f

45 Chapel Hill, NC Dec 12, 1911 type E geological survey gpc uncommon postmark vg/f underinked MB-3

46 Shelby, Ohio Mar 20, 1902 type C advertising cover w/2c red w/cc The Shelby Spring Hinge Co f/f killer is partially off right MB-5 PHOTO

47 Hot Springs, S. Dak Apr 20, 1914 type E 3.5x5.5 cvr f+/f+ cancel 1/3 off Rt

48 Redfield, S.Dak Mar 19, 1913 type F easter pc w/1c grn f/f- MB-4.50

49 Paris, Tenn Jun 25, 1914 type F new year listed as 1912-1913 pse w/cc f/vg rgh open Rt MB-4

50 Waukesha, Wis Jul 18, 1903 type C gpc vg-/f town name partial MB-4


51 Huntington Park, Calif Dec 18, 1935 D-30 lt blue pse w/cc Southern California Edison Company vf-/f+

52 Palo Alto, Calif May 22, 1939 D-30 4x5 cvr w/3c violet w/cachet Golden Gate International Expo f/f

53 Bethlehem, Conn Dec 30, 1940 HD2 3.5x4.5 cvr w/#901 w/Bethlehem Star HS cachet f/f

54 Washington, DC Mar 25, 1911 D-25 (R ) Station G cvr w/1c grn + 4c brn w/cc EE Vrooman Patent & Trade-Mark Lawyer vg+/f+

55 Chicago, Ill Apr 22, 1894 C-11 (5) 3.75x4.5 cvr w/#219? X 2 vg+/f-

56 Chicago, Ill Jun 30, 1902 D-22 (10) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Morrison, Plummer Wholesale Druggists f-/f-

57 Chicago, Ill Dec 7, 1917 D-25 Canal Station pse 2c red Wash + 1c grn Perfin J&L w/cc Jones Laughlin Steel Co vg+/vg+ cancel on top of green stamp

58 Portland, Me May 21, 1894 C-11 (1) gpc UX10 f+/f 2 spindle holes

59 Baltimore, Md Jun 23, 1894 C-12 (2) cvr w/#231 w/cc Merchants Protection Credit & Collection Bur f+/vg

60 Boston, Mass N Jun 18, 1929 E-42 (N) North Postal Station pse w/cc HUB Postage Stamp Co vf-/f+

61 Iron Mountain, Mich Dec 16, 1948 D-30 window cvr w/#952 w/cc vf-/f

62 Ah-Gwah-Ching, Minn Aug 16, 1943 HD1 pse 1c blue Franklin + #907 w/ aux mark: Postmaster as cc f+/f+

63 St. Louis, Mo Jul 2, 1926 D-25 Central Sta gpc UX27 f/f+

64 Union, Mo Aug 21, 1947 D-30 4.25x5.25 cvr w/#950 vf-/vf-

65 Franklin, NH Jul 2?, 1927 D-30 ppc w/2c red log cabin scene vg+/f

66 Jersey City, NJ Sep 29, 1938 mach #2 right D-30 cvr w/#720 w/handstamp cc USS EAGLE 55 vf/f+

67 Newark, NJ Sep 21, 1892 B-11 (1) gpc f+/f

68 Rutherford, NJ Oct 31, 1908 D-34 (1) pse Albino impression of 2c red Washington f/f-

69 Arkport, NY Oct 17, 1945 HD2 lku? Comm lt blue cvr w/3c violet perfin Conn Mutual Life Ins Co vg+/vg+

70 Buffalo, NY May 28, 1894 C-11 (2) 4.25x5.25 pse U348 f/f

71 Buffalo, NY Apr 5, 1925 mach #2 BT-500 pse 1.5c brn Washington w/HS advertising Quotations Consign Your Grain to Seymour-Wood Grain Co f/f

72 Middletown, NY Apr 24, 1941 D-30 adv cvr w/#901 w/adv cc Louise Beauty Salon vf-/vf-

73 New York, NY Apr 3, 1893 B-11 ( ) pse w/cc Central Oil Gas Stove Co vg+/f-

74 New York, NY Jun 7, 1899 D-23 cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc The Equitable Life Assurance Society f+/f

75 New York, NY Apr 24, 1893 B-11 (3) lt blue cvr w/#231 w/cc Banca Tocci f-/f-

76 Varick St Annex, NY mach #1 right Oct 17, 1934 E-30 cvr w/#720 w/cc STAMPS 100 Sixth Ave NY vf/vf-

77 World’s Fair Sta, NY Jun 11, 1940 E30 ppc w/1c grn postcard of The Goodrich Safety Arena 1939 NY World’s Fair f+/f

78 Dudley, NC Jan 8, 1962 HD2b 4x6 cvr w/4c violet f+/f

79 Mount Pleasant, NC Feb 28, 1974 I-30 window pse U557 w/cc Town of Mount Pleasant vf/vf

80 Fargo, N.Dak. Sep 20, 1948 mach #2 right D-30 cvr w/#969 one day prior to issue date w/ cachet w. Fire Prevention and Stop Fire labels on back vg+/f-

81 Cincinnati, Ohio Jun 9, 1942 mach #3 on Rt D42 Buy Defense Savings Bond and Stamps #10 window cover w/#600 coil w/cc Cabin Creek Sales Blue Beacon Coal small piece missing from top f/f PHOTO

82 Cleveland, Ohio Mar 7, 1895 D-21 (1) eku? cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc James Bruce, Druggist vf-/f

83 Charleston, SC May 18, 1948 D-25 Navy Yard Br lku? gpc w/cc Navy Department Commandant HQ 6th Naval District Naval Base, SC Official Business vg+/f+

84 Norfolk, Va Oct 10, 1907 D-25 Exposition Station official expo pc w/#328 Baltimore Building Jamestown Expo cat val -$25 vg/vg+ MB-5

85 Sweet Briar, Va Feb 9, 1939 HD1 pse U436 die 1 w/cc Sweet Briar College vg+/f-

86 Milwaukee, Wis Jan 2, 1895 D-21 (1) EKU pse w/cc Wisconsin Lodge, No. 13 F & A.M. vf/vf

International Slogans

87 Fresno, Cal Aug 12, 1912 D-42 WPPE Bomar SF15-12 greeting pc w/1c grn f-/vg+

88 Los Angeles, Cal Oct 24, 1913 D-42 WPPE Bomar SF15-13c cvr w/#398 vg+/f- w sm tears top

89 Miami, Fla Feb 7, 1938 mach #2 D-42 AMST 4 mono-plane ppc w/1c grn Florida winter scene f/f+

90 Boston, Mass Feb 18, 1929 mach L D-42 Notify Your Correspondents of Change of Address pse w/1.5c brn Washington w/cc Hub Postage Stamp Co 45 Bromfield St Boston, Mass f/vg+

91 Hudson Term Sta, NY Mar 6, 1925 mach #2 L42 Lets Go Citizens Military Training ppc w/1c grn f/f

92 New York, NY Sep 13, 1943 BT 400 Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps ppc w/#908 f+/vf

93 Cleveland, Ohio Sep 7, 1935 mach #1 D42 AMST ppc w/1c grn vg+/f

94 Portland, Oregon Jan 19, 1914 D-42 WPPE Bomar SF15-16a commercial pc w/1c grn f-/f+ MB-2.50

95 Portland, Oregon Jul 23, 1914 D-42 WPPE Bomar SF15-16a cvr w#398 f/f- MB-3.50

96 Philadelphia, PA Mar 16, 1944 mach #1 D-42 Give + Red Cross War Fund ppc w/#899 f+/vg+


97 Cresco, Iowa Mar 29, 1910 type 3 greeting pc w/1c grn addressed to Pilot Mound, Manitoba vg+/f MB-3

98 Perry, Iowa Jan 18, 1908 type 1 greeting pc w/#300 vg+/f MB-3

99 Birmingham, Mich Sep 22, 1906 type R ppc w/#300 f-/vg+ MB-3

100 Bronson, Mich May 24, 1918 type 3 greeting pc w/2c red vg+/vg+ MB-3

101 Cassopolis, Mich Jun 3, 1902 type 2 and type R #10 cvr from Detroit to Cassopolis with two postage due #J23, each canceled with type 2 Perfection cancel and on back is the type R , also with same date f/vg MB-5

102 Howell, Mich Feb 26, 1909 type 1 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/f MB-3

103 Ashland, Pa Dec 24, 1908 type 1 cvr w/pair #300 f/f- MB-3

Pitney Bowes Slogans

104 Atlanta, Ga Aug 15, 1966 B-400 ABCD Mail For Better Business Service 4x6 lt blue pc Fraternity Pledge Card Emory University w/#W37 10c Savings Stamp as postage vg+/f+ lite cancel

Time Marking

105 San Diego, Cal Feb 29, 1912 leap day D-104 ppc w/1c grn vg-/vg+ dial partial

106 Rockford, Ill Apr 30, 1909 C-112(1) greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f


107 Los Angeles, Calif Arcade Station Feb 8, 1937 mach 8 left BS-200 pse 3c violet w/cc Kapco Woolen Co f+/f

108 Los Angeles, Calif Arcade Annex Jun 1, 1936 mach 13 left BS-200 cvr w/#720 w/cc f+/vg+

109 Santa Rosa, Calif May 19, 1929 DT-600 cvr w/#C11 w/handstamp cachet Santa Rosa Airport f+/f+

110 Rome, Ga Feb 1, 1949 DT-300 cvr w/C25 w/HS First Flight cachet Rome Ga f/f+

111 Chicago, Ill May 14, 1919 DT-200 adv pc w/2c red 1st month of known use of any Universal Machine in Chicago Main Post Office f/f

112 Chicago, Ill Feb 3, 1927 B-223(19) window env w/2c red w/cc Lyon & Hardy “Everything in Music” vf-/vf-

113 Chicago, Ill Feb 23, 1937 mach 21 left B-200 cvr w/2c red w/cc Marx Loehwing Attorney at Law vf-/f

114 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sep 28, 1932 mach 1 left BT-500 pse w/cc Cedar Rapids Country Club f+/f

115 Scottsville, Ky Oct 31, 1944 DT-600 3.5x5.25 cvr w/1.5c brn M.Washington vf-/f+

116 Lowell, Mass Feb 2, 1937 mach 1 left BT-200 pse w/cc The Vita-Ray Corporation f+/f-

117 Worcester, Mass Sta A Dec 9, 1920 DS-301 lt blue pse w/cc American Steel & Wire Company f+/f

118 Lansing, Mich Nov 1, 1935 BT-200 cvr w/#775 first day of issue Cat Val $15 vf/f+ edge toning MB-3

119 Kalispell, Mont Jun2, 1949 DT-300 cvr w/C25 w/HS cachet First Flight US Airmail Kallispell f/f

120 Omaha, Nebr Burlington Sta mach 3 right Dec 18, 1942 BS-200 3.25x4.25 cvr w/#901 vf/f

121 Patterson, NJ Sep 21, 1949 DT-200 cvr w/C40 w/HS cachet Pre Flight Flagship Patterson w/applied label of First Flight Christening vg+/f+ PHOTO

122 Chapel Hill, NC Dec 14, 1961 DT-400 Pray for Peace 3.5x5.5 cvr w/4c violet f+/f+

123 Charlotte, NC Oct 29, 1936 mach 2 BT-200 4x5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+

124 Warrenton, NC Jan 11, 1951 DT-300 lt blue cvr w/3c violet f/vg+

125 Wilmington, NC Mar 3, 1924 BT-500 lt blue cvr 3.5x5.5 w/1c grn x 2 vg+/vg+

126 Harrisburg, Pa Nov 4, 1946 mach 2 left BT-200 4x6 cvr w/C26 w/cartoon used as address f-/vg+ PHOTO

127 Warren, Pa May 22, 1932 BT-500 cvr w/2c red w/cc HL Greenlund Furniture Stoves f/f+

128 Martinsburg, W. Va Mar 7, 1949 DT-300 cvr Wc25 W/hs CACHET First Flight with route map f+/f

129 US Ger. Sea Post Aug 10, 1932 SS Manhattan cvr w/#708 w/HS cachet 1st Voyage SS Manhattan vg+/vg+

Universal Slogans

130 Los Angeles, Calif Arcade Station mach 10 Mar 19, 1936 BS-400 Buy US Savings Bonds Ask Your Postmaster cvr w/2c red + 1c grn w/cc Collier & Son Corp vg/f-

131 Los Angeles, Calif Jul 18, 1942 BT 400 Buy Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps ppc w/#899 picture of Original Farmer’s Market Hollywood f-/f- cancel slightly off top

132 San Diego, Cal Apr 11, 1915 BT-410 PCIE Bomar SD16-23 ppc w/1c grn tear at top f-/vg+

133 Saint Petersburg, Fla Jan 12, 1932 BT-400 AMST 3 mono-plane ppc w/1c grn Florida banana tree f/f

134 Chicago, Ill May 14, 1936 mach 53 left BT-400 Buy US Savings Bonds Ask Your Postmaster front cvr only w/#720 w/cc National Music Company vf-/front

135 New Orleans, La May 14, 1943 mach #3 BT-400 Buy War Savings Bonds ppc soldiers mail free f/f

136 Portland, Maine Jul 22, 1942 mach #1 BT 400 Buy Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps ppc w/1c grn vg+/f

137 Raleigh, NC Mar 23, 1943 mach #2 BT-400 Give + Red Cross War Fund cvr w/#720 vg+/vg+

138 Raleigh, NC Aug 14, 1944 mach #2 DT-400 Buy War Savings Bonds & Stamps cvr w/#924 vg+/vg+

139 Raleigh, NC Nov 15, 1955 mach #2 DT-400 Hire the Handicapped cvr w/#1035 f/vg+

140 Knoxville, Tenn Jan 6, 1943 mach #1 BT 400 Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps ppc dmged stmp vg+/vg+

141 Milwaukee, Wis Jul 18, 1941 Buy Defense Savinggs Bonds & Stamps birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/f

Mixed Lots

142 Large lot of 50+ machine cancels: Barry, Columbia, Doremus, International, and Universal. All previously offered but did not sell. All vg/vg or better. No duplicates. Plus a lot of 6 additional machine cancels of mixed condition. Plus an additional lot of 10 duplex cancels mostly vg/vg.


143 Melbourne, Victoria Jul 22, 1943 Square date stamp w/6 bar cancel cvr w/1c grn + 1c brn to San Francisco f/vg


144 Montreal Mar 29, 1898 Involute on 1c Canada gpc f-/f- MB-2


145 Christansted, V.I. (Virgin Islands) Oct 20, 1965 D-30 ppc w/US #C67 scene from the terrace of the Buccaneer Hotel vf/f+


146 Lot of 6 different Krag machine cancels from French towns on covers and cards. Mixed condition but most are vg/vg or better. All have stamps.

147 Lot of 35 Krag machine cancels on cover from South Africa plus 3 fronts. Didn’t notice any duplicates. Mixed condition but most are vg/vg or better. Several are slogan cancels. Nice lot.

148 Munchen (Germany) 30 Jan 1939 cvr w/25p German Airmail to Colorado f/f PHOTO


149 Montreal, PQ May 27, 1942 SW 53 Enlist Now (also in French) ppc w/2c brn f/f MB-2


150 Balboa, Canal Zone 3rd class DT-425 Panama Canal Shortens Sea Routes slogan w/map cvr w/1c grn CZ grn w/ship cachet f+/f MB-2 PHOTO

151 Toronto, Ontario May 10, 1953 7 wavy lines mach #4 cvr w/4c orange w/cc Camp Gay Venture f/f PHOTO

152 Montreal, Canada Expo 67 2 IX (Sep) 1967 ppc w/4c red Canada picture of France Expo building f/f PHOTO

Multiple Lots of Cancels from Other Countries

153 Lot of 7 different machine cancels from Puerto Rico. 6 different towns. All covers and all with US stamps. Mixed condition but most are at least F/F or better

154 Lot of 14 covers with various machine cancels from 6 or 7 different countries. Mixed condition but most are vg/vg or better. All with stamps.

155 Lot of 82 covers and 14 cards from Great Britain. Various machines but noted a number of Columbia repeaters. Most are from 1910 to 1950 with some soldier mail from WWI and WW2 with censor marks and seals. Mixed condition, but most are very collectible. Most with stamps. Very nice lot. MB-13

156 Lot of 50+ covers from former British Commonwealth countries. Various machines but most are from 1920-1940. Most have stamps from period. Noted countries include Ireland, India, Ceylon, Malaya, Gibralter, Fiji, and New Zealand.

157 Lot of 25+ covers and cards from Scandinavian countries. Mixed condition. Most have stamps and from the 1920’s and 1930’s. Various machines but majority are Krag machines.

158 Lot of 80+ covers and cards from Western European countries. Various machines. Mixed condition. Nice stamps from period of 1910-1950. Countries noted are Germany, Russia, Latvia, Vatican, Spain, France, Poland and Austria. Nice varied lot. MB-12

FLAG CANCELS references are to the Flag Cancel Encyclopedia 4th Edition

American Postal Machines Co.

(note: the ‘points’ respectively indicated in the FCE are affected when the cancel is on a gpc or pc; see pages 112 to 114)

159 5. Mobile, Ala Dec 26, 1907 B1( ) 3 pts die 00-28 ppc w/#300 street scene vg-/vg+

160 1. Phoenix, Ariz Mar 29, 1905 B14(1) 11 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/f-

161 Fortuna, Calif Nov 2, 1935 A14 10 pts late usage pse 1c grn vg+/vg+

162 2. Fresno, Cal Jul 17, 1909 B14 5 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg

163 2. Ontario, Cal Feb 5, 1911 A14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f

164 1. Redlands, Cal. Nov 1, 1904 B14 8 pts cvr w/#319 w/cc Yucaipa Land & Water Co. vg+/vg+

165 Los Angeles, Cal Sep 5, 1915 B38 WPPE Station D greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg+ lite print

166 Denver, Colo Apr 29, 1911 A38 Capital Hill Station 18 pts 2.75x4.75 cvr w/2c red vg+/f cancel angles off T

167 Denver, Colo Apr 1, 1912 A38 Highlands Station 18 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f+

168 Loveland, Colo Apr 25, 1927 A14 17 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ minor rgh open T

169 2. Bridgeport, Conn. Sep 23, 1896 D14(1) 30 pts early use 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg+ Toning

170 8. Hartford, Conn. Dec 21, 1914 B38 Station A dd 7 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f

171 8. New Haven, Conn. Dec 21, 1912. B14. 2 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f

172 New Milford, Conn Jul 30, 1914 B14 13 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg-/vg flag star field partial

173 1. Norwalk, Conn. Dec 9, 1908. B14. 3 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#319. f+/f

174 5. Waterbury, Conn Aug 2, 1909 B14( ) dd 1 pt 3x4.25 cvr w/#319 f+/f

175 6. Waterbury, Conn May 18, 1916 A14. 2 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Blake & Johnson Co Machinery f-/f-

176 1. Saint Augustine, Fla Feb 20, 1912. B14 10 pts ppc w/1c grn scenes of Fort Marion. f/f

177 9. Tampa, Fla. Jun 11, 1912. A14. 2 pts. EKU ppc w/1c grn. vg/f

178 9. Tampa, Fla May 20, 1918 A14 2 pts #10 cvr w/1c grn + 2c red vg+/vg+

179 1. Gainesville, Ga Sep 25, 1911 A14 15 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/pair 1c grn f/vg+ rgh open left

180 Ashton, Idaho Feb 12, 1935 A14 12 pts late usage #10 pse 3c violet vg+/vg+

181 Pocatello, Idaho Mar 14, 1910 B14 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f+

182 5. Decatur, Ill Oct 30, 1914 A14 2 pts birthday pc w/1c grn vg+f

183 2. Dwight, Ill Dec 30, 1920 A14(1) 22 pts new years pc w/1c grn f/f MB-2

184 6. Elgin, Ill Apr 2, 1902 B14(1) dd 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg MB-2

185 2. Harvey, Ill Dec 15, 1910 A14(1) 21 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f MB-2

186 La Harpe, Ill Sep 28, 1934 A14 LFHC 13 pts cvr w/#729 w/cc CH Barnes General Hardware vg+/f

187 2. Monmouth, Ill May 10, 1910 B14( ) 7 pts ppc w/1c grn Colonial Hotel Monmouth vf/f-

188 Plymouth, Ill Nov 25, 1935 A14 23 pts cvr w/3c violet w/cc MC Shaffer the Rexal Drug Store f/f+ town lite

189 1. Alexandria, Ind. Oct? 13, 1912. B14. 9 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Moore’s Hardware fold down center. Vg-/vg+

190 1. Michigan City, Ind Jul 27, 1907 B14 2 pts ppc w/#300 Steamer Roosevelt in Michigan City Harbor vg/f

191 Mishawaka, Ind Aug 2, 1912 B14 4 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f

192 Anamosa, Iowa Jul 5, 1920 A14 20 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+

193 1. Burlington, Iowa Aug 26, 1898 B14 (1) 12 pts die 97-29 gpc vg/f flag field on top of pc design vg/f

194 2. Cedar Falls, Iowa Jul 22, 1914 B14 (1) 12 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f

195 1. Clinton, Iowa Dec 16, 1901 B14 (1) 6 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/f+

196 2. Clinton, Iowa Feb 21, 1905 B14 (1) dd 5 pts lt brn cvr w/#319 w/cc vg+/f+

197 Coon Rapids, Iowa Jul 25, 1934 A14 commercial cvr w/#732 Guarantee Mutual Life Co f/vg+

198 Council Bluffs, Iowa Sep 21, 1899 B14 (1) 15 pts as receipt cancel cvr vg/vg- rgh open on right

199 Creston, Iowa Dec 22, 1914 B14 8 pts 2.75x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f

200 1. Davenport, Iowa Jan 26, 1898 B14(1) 18 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/vg+ age toning left half

201 2. Dubuque, Iowa Feb 2, 1910 B14( ) 6 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/f

202 Fairfield, Iowa Jan 15, 1912 A14 25 pts pse vg-/f+ MB-2

203 6. Fort Dodge, Iowa Jun 19, 1918 yr partial A14 10 pts gpc UX27 + 1c grn f/vg dirt smudges

204 Gladbrook, Iowa Nov 25, 1935 A14 11 pts pse 3c violet Washington vf-/vg+

205 Hawarden, Iowa Jun 18, 1930 A14 24 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc vg/vg

206 1. Independence, Iowa. Dec 30, 1909. B14. 14 pts. New year pc w/1c grn. f/vg+

207 1. Iowa City, Iowa Jul 21, 1910 B14 (1) 5 pts ppc w/1c grn Tuberculosis Sanatorium Iowa City f+/f-

208 2. Iowa City, Iowa Sep 14, 1917 A14 13 pts cvr w/2c red COIL w/cc Federal Collection Assoc vf-/f-

209 2. Keokuk, Iowa Jun 1, 1897 B14( ) 33 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f MB-3

210 Madrid, Iowa May 24, 1928 A14 33 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc vg/f+ MB-3

211 1. Manchester, Iowa Mar 30, 1912 B14 22 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn w/cc Dept of Commerce and Labor Bureau of Fisheries vg/vg smudges on cover

212 1. Maquoketa, Iowa Mar 12, 1908 B14 22 pts greeting pc w/#300 f/f- MB-2

213 3. Maquoketa, Iowa Jul 27, 1929 A14 (1) 19 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Hotel Hurst, Maquoketa f+/f-

214 2. Marion, Iowa May 8, 1924 A14 13 pts pse 2c red Washington vg+/vg+ minor rgh open right

215 Nashua, Iowa Jun 13, 1930 A14 11 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#683 vf-/vf-

216 4. Newton, Iowa Apr 28 [yr date removed] A14 13 pts gpc UX30 f/f

217 2. Oelwein, Iowa Oct 14, 1924 A14 dd 23 pts die 17-294 cvr w/2c red vf/f= MB-3

218 Orient, Iowa Jul 9, 1934 A14 12 pts cvr w/#736 vf-/vf-

219 Spencer, Iowa Apr 28, 1915 A14 14 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc w/aux mark: Unclaimed with 2 hands pointing f/f

220 Toledo, Iowa Dec 21, 1937 A14 10 pts #10 penalty env w/cc vg+/vg rgh open on left

221 1. Washington, Iowa Sep 8, 1921 A14 18 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/vg+

222 2. Waterloo, Iowa. Aug 25, 1908. B14. 10 pts. Late use ppc w/#300. vg/vg+

223 3. Waterloo, Iowa Jul 23, 1909 B14 dd 7 pts ppc w/1c grn vg-/vg cancel competes with pc design

224 2. Waverly, Iowa Jul 28, 1909 A14 30 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f+

225 2. Winterset, Iowa Aug 22, 1914 A14 18 pts lt blue pse 2c red Washington w/cc County Auditor f/f

226 1. Abilene, Kans Aug 23, 1909 B14 13 pts window cvr w/2c red w/cc The Union Central Life Insurance Co vf-/f

227 1. Manhattan, Kans Dec 21 [1908] yr verified by message but not printed B14(1) 11 pts xmas pc w/#300 vg/f

228 2. McPherson, Kans Sep 27, 1920 A14 dd 19 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn w/cc vg+/f

229 2. Newton, Kansas Apr 30, 1912 B14 7 pts gpc retained portion of Fuel Co Billing card vf/vg+

230 1. Pittsburg, Kans Nov 12, 1910 B14 (1) 3 pts humorous pc w/1c grn vg/vg fold LR crnr

231 1. Wellington, Kans Dec 19, 1911 B14 7 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg+ fold LR crnr

232 White City, Kans Sep 21, 1931 A14 11 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg toning

233 9. Wichita, Kan. Oct 5, 1909 B14 dd 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/vg

234 2. Ashland, Ky Oct 25, 1915 B14 ( ) 10 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Kentucky Solvay Coke Co vg+/f-

235 3. Ashland, Ky Aug 28, 1919 A14 9 pts manila pse 2c red Washington w/cc vf-/f

236 Berea, Ky College Sta Apr 3, 1934 C14 13 pts cvr w/3c violet Lincoln vf/f+

237 Clay, Ky Sep 17, 1934 A14 12 pts favor cvr w/750a cut out right center stamp of souvenir sheet pane of 6 2nd impression on left of cancel addressed to H. George Boyle vg/f flag field on top of purple stamp

238 Fulton, Ky Dec 5, 1921 A14 21 pts commercial cvr Columbia Supply Co w/2c red vg+/vg- rgh open at top

239 Glasgow, Ky Nov 25, 1923 A14 30 pts cvr w/2c red vg/g rgh open Rt into stamp

240 1. Lexington, Ky Nov 1, 1900 B14 (1) pse 2c red Washington w/cc f+/f

241 2. Louisville, Ky Apr 22, 1908 B38 Station C 14 pts easter pc w/#300 vg/vg+

242 3. Louisville, Ky May 10, 1909 A38 Station C 25 pts humorous pc w/1c grn vg/vg+

243 7. Louisville, Ky Aug 13, 1909 B38 Station E 12 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ lite print

244 9. Louisville, Ky Dec 28, 1909 B38 Station F 13 pts lt blue cvr no stamp w/cc TW Tarpy Co makers of Perfect Seed and Havana Cigars vg/vg+

245 4. Mayfield, Ky Feb, 1919 A14 dd 17 pts ppc w/2c red vg/vg cancel competes with pc design

246 Middleboro, Ky Mar 24, 1919 A14 13 pts lt blue cvr w/3c violet vg+/vg- rgh open Rt

247 Morganfield, Ky Oct 23, 1930 A14 28 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f cut shrt on left MB-2

248 2. Mount Sterling, Ky Sep 17, 1915 A14 19 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc f/vg+

249 Newport, Ky Aug 10, 1907 B14 ( ) 2 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+

250 2. Owensboro, Ky May 19, 1904 B14( ) cvr w/#301 w/cc Planters House Owensboro f+/f

251 6. Paducah, Ky Aug 13, 1907 B14( ) dd 10 pts pse U395? w/cc vg+/f

252 7. Paducah, Ky Jan 4, 1909 B14 6 pts ppc w/#300 Court House Paducah f/f

253 3. Baton Rouge, La Aug 6, 1908 B14( ) 18 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Bank of Baton Rouge vg+/vg+

254 4. Baton Rouge, La Jul 6, 1910 B14 7 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc State of Louisiana Dept of Education vg+/vg+

255 3. Lake Charles, La Jan 18, 1910 B14 4 pts lt bl cvr w/2c red w/cc Lake Charles Public Schools f+/vg+

256 Marksville, La Sep 18, 1935 A14 10 pts lku? #10 pse 3c purple Washington f+/vg+

257 2. New Iberia, La Apr 1, 1925 A14 14 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Pfister Jewelry Co vg/f+

258 Pineville, La Jun 15, 1935 A14 10 pts 4x6.25 cvr w/#772 f/vg+

259 1. Bar Harbor, Me. Aug 14, 1908. B14(1). 12 pts ppc w/#300 scene in Bar Harbor. f-/vg+

260 Bath, Me Apr 29, 1907 B14(1) 5 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+

261 1. Camden, Maine Dec 29, 1911 B14( ) 17 pts new year pc w/1c grn vg/f

262 3. Lewiston, Me Sep 28, 1908 B14 5 pts ppc w/#300 f/f

263 Pittsfield, Maine Feb 13, 1924 A14 22 pts valentine pc w/1c grn f/f+ MB-2

264 10. Portland, Me Wood Fords Sta Feb 3, 1927 C14 20 pts cvr w/2c red f-/vg cut shrt on Rt toning

265 1. Skowhegan, Maine. Dec 25, 1920. Xmas day cancel. A14. 13 pts. Xmas pc w/1c grn. f+/f

266 1. Waterville, Me Jul 15, 1909 B14 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f

267 Bel Air, Md 2nd class 1925 A14 26 pts #10 pse 1.5 c brn Washington w/cc fold down middle vg/vg MB-2

268 Cumberland, Md Sta A Feb 9, 1932 C14 10 pts #10 cvr w/2c red w/cc vg/vg+ name lite

269 Frederick, Md Jul 20, 1917. A14. 15 pts. Greeting pc w/1c/grn. Vg-/vg

270 1. Amesbury, Mass Apr 10, 1907 B14 6 pts ppc w/#300 f/f

271 1. Athol, Mass. Aug 27, 1906. B14(1). 5 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#319. Vg+/poor 2 large tears + toning

272 2. Atlantic, Mass. Feb 12, 1924 yr lite. A14(71). 38 pts valentine pc w/1c grn vg/f- MB-3.50

273 2. Beverly, Mass Jul 26, 1906 B14( ) 2 pts used as rcpt cancel on ppc from Belgium Yacht Princess Elizabeth in Port vg/f cancel slightly off top

274 8. Brockton, Mass Sep 11, 1911 B14 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg+

275 Canton, Mass. Mar 6, 1916. A14. 11 pts 2.25x5.25 lt blue cvr w/pair 1c grn. Vg/vg+

276 East Hampton, Mass. Apr 29, 1916. A14 7 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc East Hampton Gas Co. f+/f

277 2. East Weymouth, Mass. Aug 18, 1926 yr partial. A14(89). 20 pts ppc w/2c red Bureau. Pond scene in East Weymouth. Vg+/f-

278 3. Fitchburg, Mass Mar 10, 1908 B14 2 pts Adv Cvr lt blue w/#300 vg+/vg+ MB-2 PHOTO

279 2. Gloucester, Mass Aug 23, 1910 B14 2 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+

280 1. Greenfield, Mass Jul 24, 1903 B14 4 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#301 w/enclosure wedding notification f-/vg+ right lft

281 7. Haverhill, Mass Apr 6, 1908 B14(2) dd 3 pts ppc w/#300 Tilton Tower in Haverhill vg/f

282 10. Haverhill, Mass Nov 2, 191x B14 dd 1 pt ppc w/1c grn f/f last digit of year unreadable

283 7. Holyoke, Mass Feb 1, 1919 A14 dd 18 pts gpc + 1c grn vg-/f flag field partial

284 Williamstown, Mass Aug 30, 1914 A14 16 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f

285 2. Worcester, Mass Apr 21, 1896 D14( ) Steep dd 18 pts gpc vg+/vg+ two spindle holes

286 3. Allegan, Mich Feb 13, 1919 A14 gpc 16 pts f/f

287 2. Bay City, Mich Apr 17, 1909 B14 (1) dd 2 pts gpc vg/vg+

288 Bay City, Mich Jul 15, 1909 B38 Station A 10 pts ppc w/1c grn damaged river scene with boats vg+/vg+

289 2. Big Rapids, Mich Oct 9, 1911 A14 13 pts gpc vg+/vg+

290 Muskegon, Mich Jul 17, 1905 B14 (1) 2 pts greeting pc w/#300 f+/vg+

291 2. Alexandria, Minn Dec 21, 1914 A14 20 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f-

292 3. Kansas City, Mo Oct 10, 1908 B14 12 pts ppc w/#300 Court House Kansas City f/vg+

293 13. St. Louis, Mo Aug 3, 1906 B38 Annex Station 23 pts ppc w/#300 City Hall St Louis f+/f

294 2. Bozeman, Mont Dec 28, 1907 B14 20 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+

295 4. Bozeman, Mont Dec 24, 1914 A14 16 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f-

296 Cut Bank, Mont Dec 10, 1934 A14 14 pts #10 pse 3c vilet Washington w/cc Glacier Grocery vf/vf-

297 Adams, Nebr Dec 30, 1933 A14 12 pts pse 3c violet Washington vg/vg+

298 Arlington, Nebr Oct 24, 1932 A14 11 pts front 1c Olive Franklin + #716 w/cc Arlington State Bank vf-/front

299 Arnold, Nebr May 10, 1935 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/3c violet Guarantee Mutual Life vg+/f

300 Auburn, Nebr Oct 24, 1921 A14 24 pts pse 2c red Washington f/f- MB-2.50

301 Bladen, Nebr Dec 17, 1935 A14 12 pts 3.75x5 cvr w/1.5c brn Harding f-/vg+

302 Blair, Nebr Apr 21, 1915 A14 20 pts cvr w/1c grn x 2 vg+/f-

303 Burwell, Nebr Feb 2, 1934 A14 12 pts pse 3c violet Washington w/enclosure f+/vg+

304 Callaway, Nebr Jan 27, 1936 A14 11 pts pse 3c violet Washington w/cc f/vg+ a little underinked

305 Cedar Rapids, Nebr Dec 23, 1934 A14 12 pts 4x5 cvr w/1.5c brn Harding f/f- toning

306 Ceresco, Nebr Jan 24, 1934 A14 12 pts pse 3c vio Washington w/cc Farmers & Merchants Bank f-/f-

307 3. Clay Center, Nebr Jul 31, 1910 A14(1) 30 pts cvr w/1c grn pair w/cc f/vg edge wear on Rt MB-3

308 5. Clay Center, Nebr Sep 9, 1911 B14( ) 25 pts pse 2c red Washington vg/vg toning

309 6. Clay Center, Nebr Dec 20, 1915 B14 15 pts double strike xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+

310 Crofton, Nebr Nov 7, 1929 A14 11 pts cvr w/#657 f/vg+

311 4. Fairbury, Nebr Feb 3, 1911 A14 10 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf-/f+

312 4. Fairbury, Nebr Apr 7, 1911 A14 10 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f/f

313 1. Fremont, Neb Apr 7, 1906 B4 (1) ovate $4 greeting pc w/#300 vf/f+ MB-2

314 2. Fremont, Nebr May 15, 1907 B4 (1) ovate $5 greeting pc w/#300 f+/f+ MB-2.50

315 3. Fremont, Nebr Sep 14, 1908 B4 ovate greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f

316 Genoa, Nebr Jun 8, 1935 A14 12 pts cvr w/#720 vf/vf-

317 4. Grand Island, Nebr Nov 16, 1908 B14 4 pts McKinley gpc vf-/vg+

318 Greeley, Nebr Oct 11, 1934 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/#720 Guarantee Mutual Life vf-/vf-

319 Guide Rock, Nebr May 3, 1934 A14 11 pts cvr w/#737 2nd day of issue vf-/f+

320 Hay Springs, Nebr Jun 3, 1935 A14 LFHC 13 pts cvr w/#720 f+/f+

321 Hebron, Nebr May 5, 1931 A14 38 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg+ MB-4

322 Herman, Nebr Aug 29, 1935 A14 12 pts pse 3c violet Washington w/cc Herman State Bank vf/vf-

323 Holdrege, Nebr Dec 22, 1920 A14 17 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f+

324 Humphrey, Nebr Oct 13, 1934 A14 11 pts #10 commercial cvr w/#742 f/f+

325 3. Kearney, Nebr Nov 29, 1909 B14 18 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f

326 4. Kearney, Neb Jun 11, 1908 B14 23 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+

327 5. Kearney, Nebr Apr 5, 1910 A14 double strike overlapping 18 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg+

328 6. Kearney, Nebr Jul 19, 1911 A14 dd 15 pts die 09-96 greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f+

329 9. Lincoln, Nebr Feb 3, 1915 A38 Station B 15 pts RPPC kids w/1c grn vg+/f slight underinking

330 13. Lincoln, Nebr Sep 27, 1911 A38 Station C dd 19 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vf-/f

331 14. Lincoln, Nebr Dec 23, 1907 B38 University Place Station 32 pts xmas pc w/#300 vf-/f+ MB-3

332 Lyman, Nebr May 1, 1935 A14 11 pts pse 3c violet Washington f+/f lite print

333 Milford, Nebr Sep 25, 1931 A14 11 pts double strike top and bottom 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf/f+

334 Morrill, Nebr Feb 17, 1935 A14 11 pts cvr w/#720 w/cc The Morrill Hardware Co vg-/vf- dial slightly off top and town partial by id sure

335 Nebraska City, Nebr Aug 13, 1915 B14 9 pts pse 2c red Washington f+/f

336 North Platte, Nebr Apr 17, 1912 B14 8 pts bkstmp cover vf-/f-

337 Oshkosh, Nebr Apr 25, 1934 A14 11 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#736 f+/f+

338 Peru, Nebr Apr 1, 1935 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/#720 Guarantee Mutual Life Co vg+/f

339 Red Cloud, Nebr May 9, 1937 A14 36 pts cvr w/1.5c brn Harding + 0.5c brn Nathan Hale f+/f MB-3

340 Sargent, Nebr Oct 23, 1935 A14 11 pts gpc UX27 vf/f

341 Spalding, Nebr Apr 11, 1935 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/3c violet vg+/f name is lite

342 Sutherland, Nebr Jul 2, 1935 town name misspelled in 4th FCE A14 12 pts cvr w/#720 vg+/f+

343 Trenton, Nebr Mar 20, 1934 A14 LFHC 13 pts pse 3c violet Washington f-/vg+

344 1. University Place, Nebr Jul 12, 1909 A14 16 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f

345 York, Nebr Oct 7, 1912 A14 16 pts comic pc w/1c grn f+/f

346 2. Claremont, NH Aug 12, 1920 A14 8 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Sullivan Machinery Co vg/vg+

347 1. Concord, NH Oct 12, 1896 B14(1) 8 pts pse 2c grn Washington w/cc vf/f 2 tiny tears T & Rt

348 3. Concord, NH Nov 13, 1900 B14(1) dd 12 pts die 00-53 pse 2c red Washington w/cc f-/f

349 5. Concord, NH Nov 17, 1906 B14(1) dd 1 pt 3.5x5 cvr w/#319 f/f

350 1. Dover, NH Mar 31, 1899 B14(1) 17 pts pse 2c red Wash w/cc United Gas & Electric Co vf/f+

351 2. Dover, NH Mar 26, 1906 B14(1) dd 5 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/#319 vf/f-

352 3. Dover, NH Sep 14, 1908 B14( ) 5 pts ppc w/#300 rustic scene in Dover f/f-

353 4. Dover, NH May 28, 1915 B14 4 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red f-/f

354 Exeter, NH Mar 16, 1910 B14 10 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Public Library Exeter f/f-

355 Hampton, NH Aug 20, 1924 A38 Hampton Beach Station 25 pts ppc w/1c grn Ocean House Hotel vg/f

356 Hanover, NH Apr 12, 1909 A14 12 pts as recpt cancel on cvr f-/vg+

357 1. Keene, NH Oct 24, 1911 B14 4 pts ppc w/1c grn School Building Keene vg+/vg+

358 2. Keene, NH Dec 24, 1917 A14 13 pts pse 1c olive Franklin w/cc Cheshire Beef & Produce Co f/vg+

359 Laconia, NH Jan 17, 1910 B14 5 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/f

360 Lisbon, NH Aug 14, 1935 A38 Sugar Hill Station 30 pts cvr w/#720 vg-f/vg+ dial partial, killer fine MB-3

361 Littleton, NH Aug 2, 1917 A14 19 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn w/cc vg+/vg+ fold on left

362 2. Manchester, NH Nov 11, 1896 D14(1) 29 pts pse 2c grn Washington w/cc vg+/vg+ MB-2.50

363 6. Manchester, NH Apr 16, 1901 B14(2) 1 pt cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/vg uneven cut left, water stain middle

364 7. Manchester, NH Dec 4, 1910 B14 3 pts ppc w/1c grn Hanover St in Manchester vf-/f

365 8. Manchester, NH Nov 23, 1917 A14 10 pts birthday pc w/2c red vg+/vg+

366 Milford, NH Apr 6, 1915 A14 15 pts easter pc w/1c grn f-/f

367 Milford, NH Dec 6, 1923 A14 15 pts lt brn commercial cvr w/2c black Harding Brock Publishers vf-/f+

368 Nashua, NH Feb 14, 1912 B14 2 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f

369 Plymouth, NH Dec 23, 1918 A14 25 pts xmas pc no stamp w/UX21 xmas seal not tied vg+/f MB-2

370 3. Portsmouth, NH Apr 17, 1906 B14 3 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#319 f/f

371 1. Rochester, NH Mar 21, 1913 B14 6 pts ie 07-82 easter pc w/1c grn f+/f

372 2. Rochester, NH Nov 29, 1915 B14 dd 6 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f- stlightly rgh open on right

373 Whitefield, NH Mar 18, 1930 A14 10 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ lite print

374 1. Arlington, NJ Dec 23, 1910 B14 7 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+

375 2. Arlington, NJ Oct 30, 1916 B14 dd 9 pts ppc w/1c grn street scene in Arlington f/f

376 1. Atlantic City, NJ Aug 4, 1897 B14(1) 14 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/pictorial cc Galen Hall Statue (famous Galen Hall Resort) vf-/vg+ uneven cut on Right o/w fine cover

377 2. Atlantic City, NJ Jun 23, 1899 B14(1) dd 15 pts pse 2c red Washington f-/vg+

378 3. Atlantic City, NJ Jul 16, 1902 B14(2) 10 pts 3.75x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f-

379 Berlin, NJ Feb 19, 1934 A14 10 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/#720 f+/f-

380 Bernardsville, NJ Jul 1, 1930 A14 21 pts cvr w/2c red f/f-

381 Blairstown, NJ Jan 10, 1931 A14 10 pts 3.5x6 cvr w/2c red f/f-

382 Boundbrook, NJ May 28, 1916 A14 12 pts cvr w/2c red f-/vg water stain along bottom

383 Burlington, NJ Feb 9, 1920 A14 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red w/enclosure vg+/vg+ lite print

384 4. Camden, NJ Mar 24, 1898 B14( ) 10 pts 3.75x4.75 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f slightly rgh open left

385 5. Camden, NJ Dec 28, 1900 B14( ) dd 2 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc f/vg+

386 1. Cape May, NJ Jun 22, 1911 B14 25 pts pse 2c red Washington vg+/f town partial MB-2

387 3. Cape May, NJ Oct 4, 1918 A14 20 pts gpc f/f

388 Coytesville, NJ Aug 12, 1931 A14 11 pts 3.5 x 5.25 lt gray cvr w/2c red vg+/vg

389 1. Dover, NJ Mar 31, 1910 B14(1) 6 pts gpc vf-/f

390 1. East Orange, NJ Sep 6, 1900 B14 8 pts as receipt cancel on ppc from Netherlands w/2.5c grn vg+/vg+

391 2. East Orange, NJ Feb 1, 1918 A14 9 pts window env w/2c red w/cc Water Dept f/vg+

392 East Orange, NJ Ampere Sta Oct 26, 1933 C14 12 pts window cvr w/#720 w/cc f+/vg+

393 1. Elizabeth, NJ Jan 30, 1900 B14 2 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f-

394 3. Elizabeth, NJ Mar 27, 1907 B14( ) 1 pt pse U395 type f-/vg+

395 5. Elizabeth, NJ Oct 31, 1922 A38 Roselle Branch pse 2c red Washington w/cc First Nat Bank Roselle f-/vg+

396 Elmer, NJ May 4, 1931 A14 11 pts cvr w/2c red f/f-

397 Flemington, NJ Dec 20, 1925 A14 36 pts 3.25x4.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f MB-3.50

398 Freehold, NJ Jul 10, 1917 A14 14 pts RPPC w/1c grn beach scene vg+/f

399 1. Hackensack, NJ Aug 10, 1903 B14 7 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#301 vg+/vg sm piece missing T L crnr

400 2. Hackensack, NJ Nov 15, 1915 A14 6 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vf-/f

401 Hackettstown, NJ Dec 7, 1926 A14 24 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf-/f+ MB-2.50

402 Hammonton, NJ Mar 5, 1923 A14 lt blue 3.5x4.75 cvr w/2c red vg/f

403 Hawthorne, NJ Jul 30, 1935 A14 LFHC 12 pts 3.75x5 cvr w/#720 vg+/vg+

404 2. Jersey City, NJ Nov 20, 1897 B14(1) dd 8 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f- minor rgh open right

405 Little Silver, NJ Jul 30, 1932 A14 11 pts bkstmp as receipt cancel on lt blue cvr vf-/f

406 Livingston, NJ Nov 1, 1934 A14 10 pts #10 pse 3c violet Washington w/cc vg+/f+

407 3. Long Branch, NJ Jul 22, 1908 B14( ) 5 pts ppc w/#300 lake scene vg/vg+

408 Manasquan, NJ Jul 22, 1927 A14 31 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ minor rgh open top MB-3

409 Medford, NJ May 21, 1934 A14 11 pts cvr w/#727 f+/f some toning

410 Metuchen, NJ Dec 21, 1923 A14 21 pts 3.25x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f- lite print

411 Montclair, NJ Nov 16, 1908 B14 6 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/#319 vf-/f

412 Moorestown, NJ Feb 8, 1915 A14 14 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f- toning

413 Mullica Hill, NJ Oct 30, 1936 A14 18 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/1.5c brn Harding f+/f+

414 New Brunswick, NJ Feb 11, 1911 B14 4 pts cvr w/2c red f-/f-

415 Newton, NJ Jul 1, 1912 A14 12 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+

416 Ocean City, NJ Mar 2, 1922 A14 18 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Mrs C.L. Lake Realtor f+/f-

417 1. Ocean Grove, NJ Sep 12, 1905 B14(1) 32 points bkstmp on cvr w/enclosure vf-/vg very fine cancel but large tear in cover goes into cancel

418 2. Ocean Grove, NJ Sep 4, 1906 B14 80 pts 2x4 piece of pc w/#300 f-/2x4 offered on 2x4 because of rarity

419 8. Ocean Grove, NJ Aug 6, 1913 A14(1) 8 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+

420 9. Ocean Grove, NJ Aug 27, 1918 A14 dd 8 pts pse 3c violet Washington f/vg+ B R crnr clipped

421 1. Orange, NJ Jan 20, 1899 B14(1) 7 pts cvr w/1c grn Bureau w/cc Young Men’s Christian Assoc vf-/vg+

422 2. Orange, NJ Jun 30, 1901 B14 30 pts 3x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f- MB-2.5

423 3. Orange, NJ Sep 17, 1902 B14( ) 10 pts lt blue cvr w/2c red w/cc vf-/vg rgh open right

424 5. Orange, NJ Dec 23, 1907 B14( ) dd 3 pts xmas pc w/#300 vg+/vg+

425 1. Passaic, NJ Aug 29, 1903 B14(1) 6 pts 3.5x4.5 mourning cvr w/#301 f+/vg- cover sound but much toning

426 2. Passaic, NJ Aug 30, 1906 B14 1 pt ppc w/#300 woods scene f+/f

427 1. Paterson, NJ Sep 15, 1897 B14(1) 18 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg+ 2 sm tears top

428 2. Paterson, NJ Mar 19, 1900 B14(1) dd 13 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f+/f

429 1. Penns Grove, NJ Dec 21, 1921 A14 12 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/vg rgh open left

430 1. Phillipsburg, NJ Dec 6, 1911 B14 3 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Ingersole-Rand Co f/f+

431 2. Phillipsburg, NJ Jul 15, 1920 A14 7 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc Baker Chemical Co f/f

432 Plainfield, NJ Aug 23, 1907 B14 2 pts ppc w/#328 scene of Plainfield vg-/vg+ flag staff underinked

433 Pleasantville, NJ Aug xx, xxxx yr too faint A14 22 pts birthday pc w/1c grn vg/vg+ lite print

434 Ridgewood, NJ 2nd class 1917 A14 12 pts pse 1c olive Franklin w/cc Ridgewood Playhouse Co f/f

435 1. Salem, NJ Oct 23?, 1908 B14 22 pts cvr w/#319 f-/vg+ lite print

436 2. Salem, NJ May 2, 1912 A14 8 pts gpc f/f

437 Somers Point, NJ Oct 8, 1934 A14 10 pts cvr w/#720 f-/vg+

438 Somerville, NJ May 19, 1920 A14 13 pts gpc f+/f+ lite print

439 1. South Orange, NJ Jan 6, 1908 B14(1) 8 pts pse U395 type w/cc Wellesley College Alumnae Assoc vg/vg

440 2. South Orange, NJ Jan 23, 1916 A14 9 pts pse 2c red Washington f/f-

441 Stoneharbor, NJ Sep 7, 1934 A14 12 pts commercial cvr w/#720 Double Day One Dollar Book Club vf-/vg+

442 1. Trenton, NJ Oct 24, 1896 D14(1) steep 18 pts pse 1c grn Washington w/cc f/f-

443 2. Trenton, NJ Apr 26, 1898 B14(1) steep 13 pts pse 1c grn Washington w/cc f+/f-

444 Tuckerton, NJ Feb 1, 1934 A14 10 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#720 vg+/vg+

445 Ventnor, NJ May 5, 1931 A14 17 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg+

446 1. Washington, NJ Jan 9, 1915 B14 14 pts cvr w/2c red w/fancy cc “Cornish Co Pianos and Organs” vf-/vf very attractive cover MB-3

447 Westfield, NJ Nov 28, 1921 A14 8 pts pse 2c red Washington vg+/vg

448 West New York, NJ Dec 24, 1918 A14 20 pts 2.75x4 cvr w/3c violet vg/vg+

449 Westville, NJ Feb 1, 1934 A14 10 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#720 vf-/vg+

450 Wildwood, NJ A14 18 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg+ lite print

451 Woodbury, NJ Apr 18, 1914 A14 11 pts 3.25x5.25 vr w/2c red f/f

452 Ballston Spa, NY Dec 23, 1913? Yr partial A14 14 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f

453 Carthage, NY Jul 8, 1909 A14 17 pts ppc w/1c grn scene on Lake Bonaparte vg+/vg+ some insect damage on top right corner

454 New Brighton, NY Aug 9, 1907 B14 (1) 12 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg+/vg+

455 Palmyra, NY Oct 9, 1919 A14 23 pts #10 pse 2c red Washington w/cc vg/f MB-2

456 Patchogue, NY Apr 26, 1912 A14 20 pts gpc vg+/vg+

457 2. Salamanca, NY Jun 15, 1912 A14 14 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+

458 Brooklyn, NY Apr 3, 1900 B38 Station W 13 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc NY & Brooklyn Casket Co f/f-

459 Brooklyn, NY Jun 22, 1907 B38 Glendale Station 40 pts greeting pc w/#300 x 2 vg/vg+ MB-4

460 Buffalo, NY Jul 14, 1910 B38 Station B 8 pts ppc w/1c grn scene Goat Island Niagara Falls f/f

461 Buffalo, NY Jan 22, 1913 B38 Station E 6 pts ppc w/1c grn City Hall Buffalo vg+/vg+

462 New York, NY Penn Term Sta Apr 25, 1916 C25(2)( C) dd 10 pts ppc no stamp vg+/vg+

463 New York, NY Aug 7, 1909 B38 Tremont Station 7 pts ppc w/1c grn Riverside Park vg+/f-

464 11. Canton, Ohio Sep 2, 1913 A14 dd 28 pts ppc w/1c grn McKinley Memorial vg+/f MB-2.50

465 Cleveland, Ohio Oct 13, 1917 A38 Collinwood Station 20 pts gpc vg/f+

466 1. Coshocton, Ohio Jan 4, 1910 B14 5 pts ppc w/1c grn f-/vg+

467 3. Portsmouth, Ohio Apr 24, 1911 B14 2 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f

468 9. Portland, Oregon Oct 12, 1912 A26 WPPE slogan Bomar SF15-27 gpc 1c blue McKinley f-/f+ MB-6

469 Roseburg, Oregon Dec 23, 1916 A14 13 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f

470 2. Altoona, Pa Dec 23, 1909 B14 dd 8 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg

471 1. Butler, Pa Jun 10, 1907 B14(1) 2 pts ppc w/#300 Birdseye view of Butler vg+/f- lite print

472 2. Carlisle, Pa Dec 18, 1917 A14 13 pts xmas pc w/2c red vg+/f

473 1. Chambersburg, Pa Apr 13, 1907 B14 4 pts ppc w/#300 f/f

474 1. Columbia, Pa Mar 11, 1907 B14 4 pts birthday pc w/no stamp vg+/vg+

475 2. Crafton, Pa May 8, 1914 A14 10 pts comic pc w/1c grn damaged vg-/vg dial very lite

476 2. Dubois, Pa Oct 29, 1917 A14 9 pts pse 2c red Washington f/vg+

477 Easton, Pa Feb 7, 1902 B14 15 pts last yr of use cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+

478 8. Erie, Pa Aug 10, 1900 B14 lt brn cvr w/cc Erie Pump & Engine Co w/1c grn Bureau vg/vg lite cancel

479 2. Hanover, Pa Feb 22, 1912 B14 7 pts gpc f/f

480 Kulpmont, Pa Jan 12, 1934 A14 10 pts pse 3c purple Washington f/f

481 9. Lancaster, Pa Sep 13, 1917 A14 dd 2 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn f-/f-

482 2. Phoenixville, Pa Apr 15, 1911 B14 (1) 4 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/vg

483 Rochester, Pa May 2, 1910 yr unreadable A14 11 pts ppc w/1c grn vg-/vg+

484 Slippery Rock, Pa Nov 15, 1932 A14 11 pts cvr w/#725 vg/vg edge wear

485 2. State College, Pa Oct 4, 1921 A14 16 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg+

486 3. Tyrone, Pa Nov 27, 1911 B14 12 pts pse 2c red Washington f/vg rgh open Rt

487 Wayne, Pa May 8, 1917 A14 19 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/vg+

488 1. Westchester, Pa Feb 13, 1906 B14 (1) 5 pts cvr w/#319 f/f

489 1. Westchester, Pa Aug 13, 1908 B14(1) 5 pts LKU? Ppc no stamp f/vg

490 3. West Chester, Pa Sep 5, 1918 A14 12 pts pse w/cc Morris Nursery Co f/vg+ cut shrt on Rt

491 Philadelphia, Pa Dec 24, 1906 B38 Station S(2) 4 pts xmas pc w/#300 vg+/f

492 Philadelphia, Pa Apr 9, 1914 B38 Point Breeze Station 10 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f

493 Philadelphia, Pa Mar 13, 1911 B38 Penn Square Station 5 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f

494 Philadelphia, Pa Dec 5, 1911 B38 Southwark Station 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg+

495 2. Philadelphia, Pa Aug 30, 1905 B38 West Park Station dd 2 pts ppc w/#300 Betsy Ross House vg/f

496 3. Philadelphia, Pa May 12, 1910 B38 West Park Station dd 2 pts 3rd die of three EKU? ppc no stamp f-/vg+

497 3. Deadwood, S. Dak Apr 29, 1923 A14 22 pts pse f+/vg+ smudges MB-2

498 Wagner, S.Dak Apr 30, 1931 A14 41 pts light brown #10 window cover w/2c red w/cc Commercial State Bank vg+/vg damaged stamp MB-3

499 5. Greenville, Texas Feb 9, 1919 A14 13 pts die 09-33 late usage 3.5x5.5 cvr w/3c violet f/f

500 Quitaque, Tex Jun 27, 1931 A14 12 pts cvr w/2c red vg/vg+

501 1. Weatherford, Texas Oct 14, 1908 B14 8 pts pse 2c red Washington vg/vg+ lite print

502 1. Burlington, VT Dec 20, 1904 B14 2 pts pse U395 pink w/cc The Bishop of Vermont vg+/vg+

503 Lyndonville, VT Jul 21, 1920 A14 10 pts ppc w/1c grn scene of Lyndonville f/f

504 3. Rutland, VT Jun 21, 1907 B14(1) dd 3 pts ppc w/#300 f/f

505 1. Bremerton, Wash Jun 9?, 1908 day unreadable under pc design B14 25 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg

506 Walla Walla, Wash Jan 25, 1909 B14 3 pts ppc w/#300 scene Whitman College vg/vg

507 Moundsville, W.Va. Jul 7, 1924 A14 15 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f-

508 1. Wellsburg, W. Va. Aug 13, 1915 B14 18 pts ppc w/1c grn Bethany College f/f

509 3. Wheeling, W.Va. Jan 27, 1908 B14 (1) dd 1 pt ppc w/#300 Wheeling Post Office f/f

510 Burlington, Wis Mar 19, 1909 A14 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f

511 1. Janesville, Wis Jul 2, 1911 B14(1) 3 pts ppc no stamp Grand Hotel f+/vg

512 2. La Crosse, Wis Feb 12, 1904 B14(1) dd 2 pts ppc w/#319 scene in La Crosse vg+/f

513 1. Manitowoc, Wis Oct 21, 1904 B14(1) 5 pts pse 2c red Washington f/vg+

514 3. Manitowoc, Wis Feb 20, 1911 B14 4 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/vg+

515 Watertown, Wis Jun 23, 1916 B14 6 pts birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+

516 Lovell, Wyo Sep 29, 1936 A14 10 pts #10 pse 3c violet Washington w/cc vg/f

517 Washington, DC Jan 22, 1896 D13(1) 25 pts ppc penalty env Dept of Interior Bureau of Pensions vg+/vg 2 or 3 small stains but no tears MB-2.50

518 Washington, DC Sep 13, 1910 B38 Station F 16 pts ppc w/1c grn vg-/vg+

519 Washington, DC Jul 4, 1913 A38 Terminal Station 15 pts pse U379 w/cc f/f

Exposition and Special Stations

520 Portland, Ore Sep 5, 1905 B38 Exposition Station cat val $60 ppc w/#300 NOT an expo card this is the electric machine as seen on pg 67 of 4th FCE vg+/f cancel competes with very faint Lansdowne Pa Doremus DR receipt cancel Sep 1905 EV-50 MB-25

Hand Stamp Flags

521 Pogue, Pa Dec 1, 19xx (yr unreadable) type “Fifteen Insert Stars” pg 124 4th FCE greeting pc w/#300 below avg printed cancel but fine card EV-25 MB-10

Large Lots of Flag Cancels

522 Lot of 80+ cards and covers from California to Wisconsin, 32 are Iowa. All were previously offered as single lots but did not sell. All are vg/vg or better. No duplicates noticed. Nice lot. Low minimum bid of $30

523 Lot of 150+ flag cancels on cards and covers from Arizona through Iowa. Mixed condition – some have vg or better cancels but the cover or card is less than vg – and some are vg or better covers or cards but the cancels are less than vg. No duplicates noticed. Low minimum bid of $45.

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Updated 14 September, 2020

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